Call: 1-555-111-1234

can add photo of city or text in this space or leave blank

Sam you can put your downsized visual here.

We like the looks of your menu bar, but not the animation of it.  Prefer simple pleasing drop down menu.

This company has been in business since 1981 and has sold over 54 million in real estate in the last year.  Etc...
We work hard, show all properties to best of our abilities, offer creative and constructive thoughts as to how a property can be developed or managed to fit your needs.

Please click on each of the Agent Profiles to learn more about them.

Agent 1 photo/name and link to agents page

Agent 2 photo/name and link to agents page

Agent 3 photo/name and link to agents page

Agent 4 photo/name and link to agents page

Agent 5 photo/name and link to agents page



An area to add all the logos that an agent may need for his real estate affiliation, and any other etc
Bob Anderson Homes
648 Wells St
Parma, OH 23645

PH: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Information on this web site may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors.   Information may be changed or updated without notice.

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Ability to add a site meter/counter here.   We need admin access to put html in this area for hit counter for any page.  www.sitemeter.com

Each web page created within the website needs to have an automatically generated html page title, automatically generated html keywords, automatically generated html description.  There also needs to be an admin area where a page title and meta tags: (keywords and description) can be changed for each page html, and each webpage created needs its own URL identity.

<title>lake front resort for sale in Alberta</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="lake front, fishing, hunting lodge, business, hotel, resort, land, bed and breakfast">
<meta name="description" content="Lake front resort located on Lesser Slave Lake. The largest lake in Alberta, Canada .2 hours north of Edmonton Alberta Canada ">

Do not write the word "Realtor" anywhere on the website